Welcome to our website!
At present, it only has a very few pages, but more will be added over the coming months.
The aim of the website is twofold;
- first to showcase and celebrate the work of the theatre company over the more than 25 years it was active (1993-2018), especially the creative output of its founder and Artistic Director, Hennie Lee Gershuny, but also all the many actors, musicians and other artists who were involved.
- second, to make more easily accessible – via downloads and links to other sites – the large number of scripts, creative formats, musical compositions, videos, and concept papers on theatre and conflict resolution and creative development that were generated over its life.
The company was unusual in several respects, not just for the breadth of its output, sustained year in and out through multiple productions at all levels – from local community events to the Edinburgh Festival Fringe and even one ‘Off Broadway’ performance in New York City.
For the radical nature of many of its productions, -‘re-treading’ ancient myths and folk tales to give them a new relevance and blending art forms and ideas in often surreal and provocative combinations.
Finally, offering approaches to theatre and performance that were actively engaged in many ways – not least in the cause of conflict resolution and peacemaking and in challenging conventional perceptions and stereotypes.